Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's May 1st and that means May Day !

May 1, 2012
On this May Day, 2012 we got up, ate breakfast, checked out of our Heidelberg, Germany hotel and went out to retrieve our car from the parking garage a block away.  When we went outside we heard a band playing so we went around the corner to check out what we were hearing.  What we found was a May Day rally, complete with a live band and a march through the pedestrian zone next to where we had stayed.  Below is a picture of the May Day rally in Heidelberg.   

From there, with my 3rd Starbucks in 2 weeks in hand, we headed north to Frankfurt.  Nika asked what I was going to put in the blog today and I told her I was going to write, "There's not much to write today so here's a few pictures from our day."  As the day closed I realized we did have a fairly interesting day.  It was a short drive (95 kilometers) from Heidelberg to Frankfurt and we got checked into our hotel.  From there we took off walking along the Main River, across the bridge and into the older section of town.

We ate a nice, late lunch and then took a 50 minute cruise up and back on the Main River.  One of the things from the cruise that struck me was they pointed out that Frankfurt has plans to build 200 skyscrapers.  They must have big plans, because along with 200 additional skyscrapers comes people, housing, transportation and so on!

After this we walked some more, went back to our hotel to take our car to a better parking area, nearly got run over by a tour bus, had a fruity drink at the "Crazy Bar", before retiring to our hotel room above the "Hot Bar".  Tomorrow is May 2nd and will be our last full day on this European vacation. 

Apparently at this stop sign, in order to avoid getting run over by a tour bus, green means GO !

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